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Geographical Information System (GIS) for Landslide Distribution Prediction

Geographical Information System is a component consisting of hardware, software, geographic data and human resources that work together effectively to enter, store, repair, update, manage, manipulate, integrate, analyze and display data in geographic-based information ( GIS Consortium). To produce information from GIS data in the form of landslide distribution data, data modeling and analysis is necessary to make it easier to extract information from the GIS data that we use. The process of processing GIS data in ArcGis software is often referred to as geoprocessing. The main purpose of geoprocessing is to provide tools and frameworks for analyzing and managing data (Cahyo, 2017).

Geoprocessing includes many GIS tools from simple ones, such as buffers and vector overlays, to complex ones, such as regression analysis and raster data classification. Geoprocessing is based on a framework of data transformation. Geoprocessing tools generally work on ArcGis datasets (such as feature classes, shapefiles, rasters or tables) and generate new datasets as a result of processing. Each geoprocessing tool performs the light and basic operations required for any processing of GIS data (Cahyo, 2017).

The function of data analysis in the form of Overlay and scoring in data processing aims to calculate all the parameters that have been set based on the guidelines, then the scoring results are combined with the results of field reviews in the form of a landslide event sample in the field using one of the items in ArcGis, namely Creat Signature. . Then it will produce the highest distribution of areas prone to landslides (Arifin et., Al. 2006).